Geopolitical Compass #7
A UN power grab. Russia's war causes Ukrainian refugees to flee to.....Russia. “Safe and effective™” stats. German lecture tour of China.
Notable events in geopolitics and capital markets this week. Expand your perspective, gain context, and discover actionable insights.
Dictator Dan is facing the debt repercussions of his years-long lockdown to keep people ‘safe’ from a flu.
He said the tens of billions of dollars spent on health and safety measures during the pandemic now has to be paid back.
Victorian’s who had their rights and freedoms violated without asking now have the pleasure of a massive debt for that privilege and can look forward to rising taxes.
The Useful Idiot?
Will Australia willingly become the next globalist cannon fodder as Ukraine currently is?
Mentally prepare yourself for the FUD (Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt) so your conviction in your investment is not shaken as Bilderberg ramps up its efforts.
Bitcoin mining has zero carbon emissions.
And as of Q4 2022, a 63.8% and rising sustainable power mix in the US.
As for energy usage itself, it is not wasteful to expend energy on a self-sovereign, uninflatable, hard money the world desperately needs. Don’t allow those in charge of the current failing system to control the narrative. Yes Bitcoin uses energy. Yes it is worth the energy expended on it for the freedom and security it currently provides millions and in the future will provide billions of people.
Q1 Asset Returns
0% allocation to Bitcoin is the wrong number.
Printing by Another Name
A good explainer on what the current BTFP is in the US. Liquidity yet another word to camouflage money printing.
And so, if you’re a struggling bank and need cash? The Fed’s got your back. You can borrow from them without anyone knowing—at least for a while. Just another way to obscure and obfuscate the health (or lack thereof) of our financial system.
In reality, BTFP is injecting liquidity in the markets that would otherwise not be there. If the banks were lending to each other, then the amount of liquidity in the markets remains unchanged.
But this isn’t the case. The Fed is adding the liquidity, and at a cheaper price than it could otherwise be accessed. Because the amount of capital is greater due to the securities being valued at par instead of market value. This adds significantly more capital than otherwise.
China Stocks
As the US becomes more belligerent in it's rhetoric and actions on Taiwan, whether or not a wider conflict starts, it's clear there could be ramifications for Western investors holding Chinese stocks.
Whether you’re holding Chinese stocks on US exchanges, in Hong Kong or to a lesser degree mainland China (generally not possible for most Western accounts) it’s time to review and assess your risks and exposure to third party action. The US has already delisted stocks including CNOOC from US bourses.
What potential further action will the US take if tensions escalate and how much notice will you be given? Holders of Russian stocks listed in the US including ETFs were given very little time to act. If you hold stocks listed in Hong Kong, Shanghai or Shenzhen that can’t be delisted by US regulators, will they instead instruct your brokers to restrict your access and trade of these holdings?
Consider the options available to your for local brokerage accounts in Hong Kong or China directly. These will relatively immune from attack by over-eager, virtue signalling US and EU regulators and fund managers and ensure your capital and income streams remain intact.
Climate Hoax
Too many accept the premise human-made climate change is a thing and just debate the levels of action required. Don’t cede the frame to government and ‘thought leaders.’
No one has ever shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming. No one's been able to do it.
There have been periods of 20% carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, compared with [the] 0.04% [of today]. We didn't have runaway global warming. We actually had ice ages."
Australian geologist Ian Plimer.
The Paris of 2023 that is continually suppressed by mainstream media. Something to be aware of for those with investments in France.
German Condescension
In China, the German Foreign Minister’s idiotic lecture tour beggars belief. Strange she hasn’t made a stop in France to lecture Macron on human rights isn’t it?
The tone deafness of Europe grows increasingly louder with each passing day. She played all the greatest hits:
Uyghurs freedom
Colonialism (assuming China will act as Europe did)
China must stop Russia (my current favourite track)
Economic freedom
German industry is hard done by
To believe China would happily accept this sort of criticism from anyone, let alone an inexperienced ‘diplomat’ who’s one term (she won’t be back) will barely register a blip on historical timelines - especially when taking into account China’s long term viewpoint - is just plain ridiculous.
This speech is for her globalist pals at the EUSSR and for German domestic purposes only and will further weaken Europe’s already cratering reputation with China. She claims to want the best for German industry in China, but this is disingenuous at best. At a risk of repeating myself each week - this is the picture of purposeful destruction of everything. Politically motivated attacks like this will only see German industry suffer in China should it continue. Yet German industry seems to stand by and watch this continue, as it did with Russia and it’s energy security.
I do start to wonder which of these two countries is the communist state.
Italy’s lowest birth rate since 1861. I said back in February more evidence of dropping birth rates would start coming out. Cold hard facts can only be suppressed for so long.
Fertility rates are declining worldwide.
I touched on this problem and the opportunity it represents in my recent report.
A number of Westerners are moving to Russia. Perhaps they see on the horizon what I do? Check out an ‘expensive’ apartment in Moscow vs a cheap apartment in Rostov-on-Don (still a city with a population of 1.1 million).
“Safe and effective.™”
People in the UK that took the vaccine have a 26% higher mortality rate. People who are under the age of 50 now have a 49% higher mortality rate.
…if you were to take these numbers and just apply them to the United States, that ends up being something like 600,000 excess deaths per year in the United States from this higher vaccine-induced mortality.
If you took one dose then had a reaction or changed your mind, deciding not to get the second dose - the stats get even worse.
This is not hearsay from the depths of the web. This is an insurance analyst brought before a committee using government provided figures. Truth eventually must come out for those that deal in reality instead of ideology, and insurance companies need to assimilate the real world into their models.
Expect insurance premiums to rise.
Speaking of irrefutable numbers, as “Russia’s brutal war against Ukrainians™” rages, where have millions of Ukrainians fled to for safety? Russia.
Clearly not fearful for their lives. Facts can be so inconvenient for narratives.
United Nations
The United Nations is seeking greater powers in emergency situations and crises which it sees fit to declare. The climate will most certainly be classed as ‘an emergency’ which will then allow the UN to hold more power over sovereign governments.
U.N. documents and statements released in March by key leaders of the global
organization make clear that climate change is a major piece of the U.N.
emergencies agenda.
The protocols would bring all sorts of institutions together, including national
governments, international institutions, and the private sector. Ultimately, all
would have to recognize the “primary role of intergovernmental organs [such as
U.N. agencies] in decision-making,” the document states.
Remember the UN was fully on board with the Covid scam and all its relevant power grabs, and they’d prefer to be fully in charge of the next crisis - why leave that power with national governments?
Emergency powers are always seized upon as a justification for violating individual rights. But in reality, the emergency usually passes quickly while the violations of liberty have a long-lasting effect.
Harry Browne
But it’s ok as the United Nations represents the people? No, it’s yet another unelected group of bureaucrats who will pass dictats decisions for the masses. Good luck for individual people or ‘voters™’ to get any say of who or who not represents their country at the UN, in a similar fashion to who elects the muppets like von der Lyin’ at the EUSSR Politburo Commission.
With each step down this road, power is moved further away from the people it proposes to help or protect. This is no accident and by design. The less accessible and accountable bureaucrats are, the more brazen they become in their removal of individual rights for the ‘greater good.’
United States
“Investing in emerging markets are too risky for capital.”
Meanwhile in the US…
One of the largest supermarkets in Downtown San Francisco—the Whole Foods Market at Eighth and Market streets—intends to shut down at the close of business Monday just a little more than a year after the store opened, company officials told The Standard.
A City Hall source told The Standard the company cited deteriorating street conditions around drug use and crime near the grocery store as a reason for its closure.
In 1997 Biden mocked Russia’s warning that it would have to pivot to China if NATO continued expanding. This aged well…
Scale Failure
Anyone else see something wrong with the scale of the deficit in this picture?
53% isn’t what it used to be. Shrinkflation perhaps?!
That’s it for this week, if you enjoyed this edition, please give it a like below!