The True Nature of Government
What does the government represent to you? A benevolent leadership looking out for you? Guiding you through difficult times? There to support and protect society when things get rough?
These are commonly held ideas, even if only subliminally and not given much thought.
But to answer what government does, what government is, we must first put aside current perceptions and actively look at the true nature of government.
Take a moment to think; when is the last time you remember the government solving a problem? Outright solving it? Not fixing it a little or coming up with a compromise to make some happy while others weren’t. Not patching up one side of an issue only to cause a more significant problem elsewhere as a result. Education? The drug problem? Healthcare? Transport? Water quality? Better roads? Can you look at any of these issues or many others and say ‘yes, the government once and for all fixed it!’?
Perhaps a more important questiion; of the problems you perceive in society, was the government ultimately the cause of many of them to begin with?
Governments of the world decided to lock down their societies during what turned out to be a virus mildly worse than a regular flu season, dump trillions of dollars to compensate, and force untested vaccine experiments on its citizens. Though they are desperately trying to suppress these issues, we are now seeing all types of adverse consequences from these actions. Rising adverse health effects from unchecked regular illnesses. Adverse reactions from vaccines, including lower birth rates and higher incidences of cardiac irregularities. Ballooning prices of everything across the world.
But it’s ok - the government has the answers to their solutions which caused the problems; distract you with a war against Russia, print even more money (currently in a soft pause, but wait for it!) and no doubt tinker and expand government sickcare in the coming years as the true nature of the health consequences becomes too apparent to hide or deny even to the most subservient sheep.
The government tells you it has the answers. But its actions and results sadly prove it doesn’t. Government is simply a group of people. People no different than you and I, except they claim to solve all manner of problems in society with your money while also having their judgement impaired by desire for power. Time and again, government only make issues worse.
“Government also knows how to break your legs, hand you a crutch, and say, “See, without the government you wouldn’t be able to walk.”
It takes half your money and then graciously offers to let you have a fraction of it back as a subsidy. ”
— Harry Browne
At the core of the problem is the simple fact that a government is composed of people who wish to rule over others. While many have good intentions, they want to be rulers all the same. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be ruled. I don’t need someone to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do, what I need to pay to be part of society, what I’m obliged to do, or what I can do with my money. Especially when they prove repeatedly, they have no better answer or results than anyone else.
But that is what a government is. A small group of bureaucrats who decide what is suitable for everyone. What is allowed. What the rules are today. The government today expands its reach and depth across all parts of society. They do this for the supposed better, but the structures in place work against the very freedom they claim to be protecting. The nature of government and control dictates it can only grow, never voluntarily shrinking itself for the benefit of those outside the power structures. Just look at Japan - as a result of their tinkering with the money system, the government now controls a majority of companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Yes, the government is the majority shareholder in thousands of Japan’s largest businesses. Is that the sign of a free market? State control of business was called communism in the old days.
Some unhappy with events of the last three years may take solace that many government and leaders have now been ejected from their roles or are falling on their swords as the writing is on the wall that they are facing humiliating defeats at coming polls (looking at horse face in New Zealand and soon enough the pathetic little dictator in Canada). But sadly there will be no consequences for these supposed leaders who put their power cravings and globalist agendas ahead of their people. They will be ushered into cushy jobs at organisations like the UN or IMF or given an ambassadorship and book deals.
The more areas government expands its reach and actions into, the more freedom it must take from individuals like you and I, and the free market that existed before its meddling began. Working within their system will only continue this behaviour. You can vote to change who is on the podium, but you can’t change the system itself until you starve it of the very thing it uses to control you - your consent and your money.
Don’t fall for their false choice of changing the system from within. It doesn’t work. Opt out.
The above was an adapted excerpt from my book ‘Bitcoin Sovereignty’
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