World War III in All But Name
All around us we see evidence of our world descending into chaos. Not many bullets have started flying, but don’t be under any delusion - we are in WWIII in all but name.
After the United States' recent provocation of sending Pelosi to Taiwan, China has responded, announcing an end to cooperation with the US on; calls with leaders, defence meetings, maritime security consultation, climate change talks, anti-drug cooperation, transnational crimes and illegal immigration.
Latvia and Estonia are withdrawing from a China cooperation group and Lithuanian officials are also provoking China over Taiwan. Don’t underestimate how much the tiny subservient Baltic nations are being used as proxies to raise tensions.
Over in Europe, Finland and Estonia, at the urging of NATO, are posturing they will shut off the Baltic Sea to Russia. At the same time, Russia has been invited to establish a military base in Serbia. The West continues to funnel weapons and money into a corrupt, losing cause in Ukraine.
Worldwide we see harassment against any nations that speak up for themselves or against the dictated narrative, including Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Iran and many African countries. Many current conflicts are psychological or economic, but with each passing day, the ratcheting tensions lead us closer to kinetic action.
But in this new world war, the enemy is not always a foreign power. For many people, the enemy being targeted will be them - the common man.
This war will be worse than its previous namesakes for the simple fact that not only is it an instance of ratcheting tensions and provocations between the hidden ‘elite’ of nations against one another, but in this iteration – elites are also attacking the people within their borders with convoluted, misguided, even insane and diabolical agendas. These elite have no allegiance except to themselves, their agenda and their wealth.
While foreign adversaries provide an easy target, domestic foes and the masses must also be brought to heel in their eyes. They know the system they have overseen has become ever more fragile and is now collapsing. This is their desperate effort to maintain control through to the other side.
They will distract you with whatever works. Netflix, covid, climate, genders – you name it. They will use these same distractions to increase their powers and control over you, and most sheeple will cheer it on.
Continual attacks by governments against their people worldwide under the guises of covid and climate will shortly evolve into humanitarian disasters with millions suffering from lack of energy and food. They know they need to weaken resistance to their rule. Hungry, cold people with no jobs and a lack of options are more compliant. The risk will come when a tipping point is reached. People can only be pushed so far, but the Davos element won’t see this until too late. They never see the flaws in their plans until after the fact, at which point they don’t correct but double down in equally ludicrous ways in vein attempt to paper over their last error.
With the new World War targeting not only foreign foes but all people trying to go about their daily lives, it is more important than ever to keep your options open. Remain upwardly mobile and ready to take action, if or more likely, when needed. Be prepared for when they change the rules that currently make you feel safe. Prepare yourself for when they come for you or attack the supply chains or social structures you depend on.
If you grow weary and worried about the insanity as I have, you would be asking yourself, what can you do about it? Sadly, not much. Civilisational decline is rarely thwarted or rectified without a necessary collapse first. The insanity feeds off itself until ultimately failure and complete systemic breakdown occurs.
What you can do is remove yourself from the trouble. Civilisations and societies are many and varied across the globe. Royal dynasties collapsed in the early twentieth century to make way for mass democracies. The Soviet Union collapsed in the early 90s while the west went from strength to strength (outwardly at least). Throughout history, major and minor civilsations and in more recent generations, nation states, have descended into chaos and subsequently rebuilt themselves. It is now the turn of the western mass ‘democracies’ (really only a buzz word these days - representative democracy is failing) to undergo a systemic collapse they have been both delaying and ensuring is inevitable through their actions.
Where do you believe is an opportune place to ride out the storm? Perhaps a tiny island off the radar you’ve never heard of before, or maybe the complete opposite, amongst a mass population with a state apparatus that doesn’t work well even when attempted for nefarious purposes, like Mexico? Hideaway in secret or plain sight? Regardless of your choice, it would help if you considered many options in case your first plan doesn’t play out as envisioned.
It's also important to remember that even if you believe you’ve found the perfect refuge from the insanity, it's doubtful to be suitable for every aspect of your life you should be paying attention to. It may be a safe and enjoyable place to reside emotionally, but this doesn’t mean it also provides the best options for banking, incorporation, wealth storage and so on. There is little point in freeing yourself from the confines of one nation, to simply put all your eggs into the basket of another. Diversify and spread your attack surface.
Once you believe you’ve optimised yourself and your assets for what is to come, the job remains to steel your mind and develop resilience for the pain ahead. Not only to survive but to flourish as best you can. Your choice may see you avoid the worst of it, but the interconnected nature of the world today means stupid decisions made in one part of the globe have lasting repercussions in many other places. Prepare.
There is a good side to the craziness. Never before have I been simultaneously so dismayed at what society is becoming and excited at the wealth generation potential these changes present us.
Position yourself to profit from the insanity. There has seldom been a time where the agenda has been both so open and insane at the same time. They are telling you their plans. They are showing you they plan to ignore the basics of logic, economics and physics with their fantasy agenda. Much wealth is to be made for those who can think critically and look past the bullshit.
You can position yourself to come out the other side of this chaotic era much wealthier than you are going in if you act wisely and strategically now. Large parts of the world (predominantly ‘liberal democracies’) are set for continued decline and collapse. But plenty of nations, industries and businesses will thrive, either despite or as a direct result of the insanity.
Invest in truth and reality, not propaganda and fairy tales. An obvious example comes from the lead narrative of the day – climate change. When they tell you the world will be run on solar and wind, don’t follow the masses and invest in renewable energy companies that already have all eyes focused on them and resultant sky-high valuations for questionable business models. What happens when government funny money for subsidies runs out? What happens when simple realities dawn like for example, if the UK wanted to go 100% renewable energy, it would need additional land the size of a second UK for the solar panels and windmills.
Invest in the reality that even if you think it’s a good idea, the fact remains that it's not happening anytime soon (if it ever does), and if it is to happen, it would require inordinate amounts of commodities and hydrocarbon energy to make it so. The commodities that are currently the ugly redheaded stepchild in the investment world, with low valuations despite rising prices, reduced supply, low capital investment (another result of idiotic government policy), shrinking access to investment funds and no chance of this changing for the better anytime soon.
The present and coming troubles and conflict will bring much suffering. The time has come to safeguard yourself to ensure your liberty remains intact, and to position yourself for generational wealth accumulation by looking beyond what the crowd sees.
Remember, its not just about the figures in your account, but the freedom and optionality these figures can provide you to continue thriving and avoid the idiocy the western world is descending into. Can you afford not to think about it?
Collapse happens in every society; it's just our turn.
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